Yin + Yang
FREE First Visit
1 visit free
regularly $15
Welcome to Yoga Elements! Your first class is free - please let us know if you have any questions. (The pass is applicable to any of our regularly scheduled yoga classes.) |
a blend of rhythm + stretch
Justine Beck offers a beautiful blend of yin + yang to your yoga practice, with elements of yoga that allow you to settle into your body’s natural state. She encourages all students to “reach” for yoga props to find the most benefit in the physical practice. This Yin + Yang class will offer you time to set up, enter in, be present in the pose, and find gentle transitions, all while maintaining your rhythm of breath. Justine’s gentle nature, intuitive guidance, and passion for learning within practice could be a great guide to (re)discover balance. With a little movement, a little stillness, a little courage, and a little stretch, Justine hopes you’ll tap into curiosity and creativity to explore your body, mind, and spirit.