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The Heart Practices - Metta; Loving-Kindness with Brittney Dorsey

$20 per class Purchase required to enroll

What capacity does your heart hold? What lives within & outside of its borders?

The Brahma Viharas or “The Heart Practices” are the four qualities that Thailand culture encourages us to uncover and cultivate.

After spending 18 days in Thailand and weaving these qualities into her personal life and seeing the profound impact within her relationships, Britt Dorsey couldn’t wait to bring all that she learned back home.

This class is part of a 4-part series (60 min each session) in which we will be investigating and exploring these qualities through movement and breath, weaving the philosophy into the practice to find the many ways into our expansive heart.

Class 1 | Feb. 19th METTA - LOVING -KINDNESS

Class 2 | Feb. 26th KARUNA - COMPASSION

Class 3 | Mar. 4rd MUDITA - EMPATHIC JOY

Class 4 | Mar. 11th UPPEKHA - EQUANIMITY

These beautiful qualities don’t actually need to be created as they are already innate in each of us. However, as we go through life, with all its unseen challenges, our hearts tend to get guarded, bruised and a bit muddied along the way. The invitation is to give our tender hearts a nurturing space so we can come closer into connection - with ourselves, with others, with the wider world. As we continue to turn towards our natural capacity for kindness, compassion, shared joy and a steady presence - we familiarize ourselves with those sweet places until they begin to feel like home.

*These practices are open to all levels; no matter where you are on your journey, they are sure to have a positive impact on one's life. They compliment each other well so if you are able to make all four sessions, it’s highly recommended. Otherwise attending any individually will be of great benefit as well.
