Serenity Social
1 visit free
From $5 per visit with Child/Teen Yoga Drop-in pass
No purchase required to enroll
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FREE First Visit
1 visit free
regularly $15
Welcome to Yoga Elements! Your first class is free - please let us know if you have any questions. (The pass is applicable to any of our regularly scheduled yoga classes.) |
Affectionately called "lay around yoga," Serenity Social is a yin-inspired class for all abilities and for every body. This slowed-down, chill class is exactly what is needed in our fast-paced, high-stress world. We focus on exploring floor postures to open the hips and shoulders, providing a unique way to enjoy the physical and mental benefits of yoga without focusing on traditional endurance, strength, and sweat. We are more than a class -- rather a community of friends, and we welcome you to join us!